Jay’s Journal. I want the real deal. Help me if you can.

Posted: July 6, 2009 in Uncategorized

I was searching for a good book in diary/journal form and found an author named Beatrice Sparks. I kept coming across things that say that her “real life” diaries from “real life” teens were actually written by her, but was becoming highly interested all the same. But then I started looking into one called Jay’s Journal and decided that her books weren’t for me. Check this out.

Real story

This is just one of many articles I found stating that she ruined his name and made his family’s life hell. Actually, this is one of the “kinder” articles. The others were written by family members and friends who were outraged by the woman and wanted the story straight. Anywho, the actual reason for this post is that I can’t find his brothers book, A Place in the Sun: The Truth Behind Jay’s Journal, anywhere. I can find things that mention it, but I can’t find a place to look into or purchase it. If anyone knows anything, I would appreciate the information. In fact, I would just appreciate opinions. I’d be interested to know if I’m the only total stranger who is completely disgusted by this.





As commented below, I’ve spoken with Scott now and he has several first addition copies he’s willing to sell.  He told me to post his email for anyone who wants a copy, so here for your book purchasing pleasure, it is.


  1. Logan says:

    I have also been searching for a copy of A Place in the Sun: The Truth Behind Jay’s Journal. The most I’ve ever been able to find is some information such as the ISBN and publisher, but searches on those items tend to result in as little information as searching the title. If you ever find out more I’d very much like to know.

  2. Kenyn says:

    Will do. I’m about ready to go ebay the book.

  3. Justaf says:

    Good luck. I did a lot of work on the creation, publication and distribution of this book [I did the cover art and scanned the actual journal when I was 15-16] and Scott Barrett [author and brother of Alden “Jay” Barrett] wasn’t exactly a well-thought-out businessman.

    I’m not trying to smear him or his family, I actually quite enjoyed working on the project, reading the book and attending the “rock-opera” by ‘Grain’ back when I was working on all of this with Barrett. It’s just that I think Scott could have done well to retain some professional advice before he tried to get this book out onto shelves.

  4. Kenyn says:

    Ah, that would explain it’s elusiveness… But I’m sure he was just in a hurry to put his brother to rest once and for all. Of course, hasty work makes for less than adequate results. But as long as it’s out there somewhere then somebody knows the truth and that’s what matters.

  5. Nick Christensen says:

    I’ve also been looking for A Place in the Sun: The Truth Behind Jay’s Journal. The Pleasant Grove library lost its copy. I grew up in Pleasant Grove and heard all the urban legends. My father even used Jay’s Journal in a lesson in Sunday School. I remember visiting his grave, and it was always being vandalized. My parents knew his family and it’s sad that she did that to them when they trusted her. A lot of teens fell into a similar depression at the same time, a while later one was killed in a parking lot at the bank ran over after a fight. Not much happens in this small town, and it was a dark time.

  6. Kenyn says:

    That’s scary stuff. I live in a small town as well, (not terribly far from Pleasant Grove either) but “nothing” might possibly be more than the goings on here.
    I wonder how people can do things like that and sleep at night. I get terrible dreams about whatever I’ve done recently and it bothers me until I either forget about it or make it right.
    See, I looked at this particular book of hers because I struggle with… um.. thinking happy thoughts.. but as interesting a read as it sounded, I couldn’t get past the fact that she was passing it off as truth and ruining these peoples’ lives.
    People are so cruel sometimes… By the way I still can’t find a copy anywhere. 😦

  7. Kayleigh says:

    No, you’re not the only total stranger who’s disgusted, outraged, annoyed, etc. What really bothers me is that Beatrice Sparks does this kind of thing with all her books and, despite all fact and personal accounts to the contrary, continues to market them as “true stories”.
    I’ve been looking for a copy of Scott Barret’s book as well, but haven’t had any luck. I’ll be sure to let you know if I find it.

  8. Kenyn says:

    Thank you Kayleigh. I’m still looking. No luck though. 😦

  9. Mandy says:

    I have been looking too, I put in a search on Albris, but it has returned no finds so far. I think I will start checking the used book stores around the county, I’ll let you know if I find anything.

  10. Kenyn says:

    Well, I just looked again, but at this point I give up. I can’t find it anywhere no matter how hard I look. It seems as though the lies are mass published, whereas the truth is hiding somewhere in a dusty bookshelf. I hereby give up. Sorry.

    • Shayla says:

      I have also been looking for this book… with the same luck. I’ll just leave this comment here in case anyone comes up with more information.

      • Catherine Willoughby says:

        I have been looking still, its 2014 now. I called the Pleasant Grove Library, and no libraries in Utah have the book anymore.

  11. Justine says:

    I just finished Jay’s Journal last night thinking to myself how disturbed he must have been at that time with Raul tormenting him, how he dealt with his 2 best friends deaths, (etc.) then how ending his life seemed like the only way out of his personal “hell”. But, lo and behold, the internet proved his “journal” as a hoax, since “Dr.” Beatrice Sparks wrote numerous other “based on reality” books. Reading more about Beatrice left me extremely upset. How deceitful can one be?
    I was just going to do a search for Scott’s book myself, but maybe I shouldnt waste my time. For some reason I feel compelled to give Alden justice…so weird because it’s been nearly 40 years since his death…

  12. Kyle Andrews says:

    I have not read either of these books but I have read hundreds of discussion groups about these two books. I simply refuse to read Jay’s Journal because of the absolutely disgusting things the author published in the book to slander the Barrett family name and to destroy the lives of Alden’s family. I would love to read the book published by Alden’s brother Scott Barrett, to publish the real truth behind Jay’s Journal and to dismiss the abomination of a story that Dr. Sparks wrote. I find Alden’s story very fascinating. I think that if Dr. Sparks would have actually published Alden’s journal like she was asked to, it would have done a lot of good. It is my own personal opinion that by referencing satanic behavior and occults that it will only encourage teenagers to experiment and try it out rather than warn them. I live in Utah and am unable to come across a copy of Scott Barrett’s book which is very unfortunate. If any of you find an extra copy of it please let me know. May peace be restored to the Barrett family once and for all.

    • Stephanie says:

      I completely agree. I can honestly say that after I read the book I felt a complete obsession to look into all of the satanic behaviours from the book. Information regarding this topic is very compelling, and I can completely understand how somebody could be sucked into it. My opinion is that if you are going to completely destroy a family’s life by creating lies about their son, you might as well create a story that actually does a good job in making teenagers stay away from satanic behaviour rather than make them more curious. Regardless, I think that the completely unedited version of the journal would have been a way better read with much more usefulness in warning teenagers about the dangers of drugs and depression. I am truly sorry for everything that the Barrett family has had to go through, and I do hope that one day the actual story becomes more popular than the created one. I also hope that Beatrice Sparks realizes how much pain she has caused and that she has learned to NEVER repeat this mistake.

      • fred says:

        Fear of alleged “satanic behavior” is THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM! Organized religion breeds total ignorance. What spiritual practices an individual chooses in life is his or her own business. Of COURSE this poor boy ended his life. He thought outside of the box he was living within, and pressure to conform to the ways of his community were too great for him to deal with and causing him major depression. I do not believe he was a Satanist, but believe he did not agree with his own religion, the Vietnam War, and many other issues that American youth were beginning to take on at that tme. The real crime is in how the surrounding community responded to this ficticious “Jay’s Journal”. What right does anyone have to harass a family or the grave of a tortured soul? To drive a family from their town? Sure, point all the fingers you want at Beatrice – she’s a complete fraud and a hack. But the real “Satanic” behavior lives in the reactions of the people in that community at that time. Hateful and murderous. IF Beatrice had pointed any more fingers at anyone in that town, I do believe a crazy Witch hunt and trial would have ensued. We have to stop fearing what we dont understand and we have to stop intolerance of others choices and beliefs.

  13. Lynne says:

    Salt Lake City’s independent newspaper, Salt Lake City Weekly, published an article in 2004 called “Teen Death Diary,” about Sparks’s treachery and Marcella Barrett’s heartbreak. Marcella herself is interviewed in the piece; she died three years later. I read it online a couple of years ago and bookmarked it, but the link no longer works and a search of City Weekly’s archives turns up blank. Scott Barrett, Alden’s brother, also posted a disclaimer of Jay’s Journal on Amazon.com, as aldensbro, where he speaks of the betrayal of his family by “Dr.” Sparks. The article in City Weekly gave Sparks a pretty good drubbing. I’m thinking maybe next thing would be to e-mail the paper and see if the article is still available.

  14. Juhani says:

    Things like this fill me with great sadness.
    How can a person, who was entrusted with such an important task, do something like this – lie? She could at least have put “*”s at all the places she improvised and took artistic license (which would probably be 80% of the book?)
    I’d rather read fiction, than read a “true story” with so much fiction in it.
    I’m a total stranger and I feel betrayed. I can’t imagine how the family must have felt.
    What this person/author did made the original tragedy worse.
    How very, very sad.

  15. Kenyn says:

    Juhani, I’m with you 100%. It made me sad, but I’m glad I stumbled upon it, because this page has gotten a lot of traffic and it shows me just how many people are aware of what she did and are so supportive of Alden’s family. It’s good to see humanity still cares, you know?

  16. Kenyn says:

    So I have an idea. If anyone manages to find a copy, I think we should form.. basically a book shipping chain. Whoever finds it would get the address of a person on the list and ship it to them once they’ve read it, then they ship it to the next person then they’re done, and so on. But this would have to be very trust based. You would have to commit to keep sending it on and in the end, it would have to get back to the one who found and purchased it. I’m not sure how all of it would work, but I think it would be a cool experience and we’d all feel… Iono, sort of connected through Alden. I think it would be a cool and positive legacy to attach to his name. Thoughts?

  17. Kevin says:

    Im interested in Kenyn’s idea. I am going to read “Jay’s Journal” simply out of curiousity (i began reading some of it) and though im damn sure majority of it is all a hoax, i still would like to read it. I would also like to read the truth behind the novel through his brother’s book. Ill bookmark this page. Let you all know if i hear anything or find the book.

  18. alexis says:

    ive been trying to find this book for over 2 years now
    anyone have any ideas?

    • Kenyn says:

      Sorry, I just looked for it again but to no avail. Maybe I could try to get a hold of Scott himself and see if he could get me a copy….

  19. Kenyn says:

    To all you amazing people who have a heart for this family,
    I am now in contact with Scott Barrett, and he’s agreed to ship me a copy of the book. I don’t know if he’s giving it to me, or if I’m buying it, but one way or the other, I ought to have it by Christmas. He has a few copies, so he might be able to sell them to some of you, but I don’t know how many he has, or if he’ll be willing to sell them all. Anywho, I’m talking to him and he seemed pretty eager to help me, (real nice guy, ya know?) so as soon as I find out the specifics, I’ll comment again. If he’s willing to sell more copies, I’ll find out how many and I guess you can rock, paper, scissors for who gets to buy them. Maybe he’ll put them on ebay and y’all can duke it out that way, I don’t know.
    But yes, at last, we’ve got a copy in our grasp, and as long as I get it back in the end, I’m completely willing to do the book chain thing if he doesn’t want to part with more than one.

  20. Loopes says:

    I am so glad to hear that you finally located a copy! I’m also anxious to read Scott’s book.

  21. Kenyn says:

    He said to post his email so anyone who wanted a copy could contact him, so here it is.

  22. Jennifer Burch says:

    I stumbled across your blog post after finishing “Jay’s Journal” and learning about Scott’s book…..I, too, would love to read the real account of Alden’s story.

    I sent an email to the address you have posted here, but it came back “undeliverable”….all I did was copy and paste it…..can you double-check and make sure the address posted is typed out correctly…..Thanks! (And, thanks for going through all of the trouble to find copies of the book!)

    • Kenyn says:

      I tested the email address and it didn’t work for me either, so I sent him a facebook message asking if I got it wrong. I ought to know fairly soon. Thanks for letting me know there was a problem.

  23. Kenyn says:

    I talked to him, and his email address was messed up. It is actually:

  24. Beatrice Sparks great grand daughter says:

    Beatrice Sparks did not do the thing that everyone said she did, she was honest in her dealings. I read jays journal and am planning to read A Place in the Sun as well. She told all her family not to read jays journal because of the satanic nature behind the story but what was in the book was true, it all happened, and it still does today. “Jay” got lost in drugs and witch craft and wanted a way out…he eventually found his way out. B. Sparks wrote his account and when his family discovered all the things that they did not know about they were scared…so they took it out on my great grandma. But what she published in that book was complete truth

    • Kenyn says:

      But if her job was to print the story in his journal, and the story in his journal didn’t include half of the things she printed, then that’s not honest. Obviously you’re defensive about it, and I don’t want to offend you, but please, look at the facts. Alden’s family had his original journal, and the stuff about witchcraft and such wasn’t in it. He was troubled, yes, but he wasn’t involved in the occult. So, despite how much you want to deny what she did, she fudged the facts, and that’s not okay.

    • Tina Dupuy says:

      I’d love to speak with you about your great grandmother. Please email me when you can. tina at tinadupuy.com

    • Ash says:

      It has been proven that there were only 21 actual pages of Aldens diary …
      It disgusted me that Aldens grave was vandalized, and that his family had to go through all of that after losing him.

    • Laura Young says:

      I knew Alden your great grandmother was a liar and she committed libel.

    • Justaf says:

      Yeah, sorry but you’re full of it. Beatrice is full of it.

  25. scarletblackbird13 says:

    ive read many things and it said it wasnt im confused now

  26. Derek, Son of John says:

    My father John was Alden’s best friend. Alden was even to be the best man at my parents wedding. John was killed my a car in 1976 when I was small. My mother however remembers well what went on. There was many many untruths put in Jay’s Journal. For what purpose one can only assume. Regardless, yes, they did do some things that most of the public would concider exploration. But they did NOT do many of the things as outlined in the book. Things like the wedding ceremony which both my parents were at and my mother has recounted to me were nothing more than some teenage kids messing around. Both Alden and my dad were highly inteligent. Perhaps that was one of their downfalls, they tended to think and to challange the norm. They investigated the writings of Aleister Crowley as well and were involved in drugs. Alden’s father, Dr. Barrett delivered me and was my Dr. for a number of years growing up. This whole thing boils down to a few kids that got involved into some things and made some poor choices. Sparks too made poor choices for what ever her motives were. I wish nothing but the truth would have been published. No one will ever know the full story except those that were directly involved. Unfortunately they are not here.

    • Kenyn says:

      Well said Derek. It’s cool to talk to someone other than Scott who has a connection to this other than hearsay. 🙂

    • marina says:

      hello do you know aldens brothers email? im doing a report and just want the truth, i am a highschool student in illinois who lives with bi-polar depression i have felt hopelessness and contemplated ending my life. I feel as i can relate. Although i will not write a report off of false information

  27. Meagan says:

    I would love to be part of this book chain if you ever started it! I just finished “Jay’s Journal” and came across this when I was trying to find out more about the book. Email me back please!

  28. Kenyn says:

    Well, I still have to buy a copy from Scott, which may take a while. I just started my new job two weeks ago and am saving for my wedding. Bills are turning out to be more than we’d predicted, so I’m trying to put it off till I’m sure everything is squared away. If you (meaning anyone on this thread) are still interested in doing this, please send an email to kennanda13@gmail.com with your address and contact info and I’ll begin to compile the chain list. Once I have it all worked out, I’ll send a mass email explaining how it’ll all work. I’ll probably send you the contact information for the person getting the book before you, and the person you’re to send it to, that way, we can all make sure everyone gets it at some point. You’ll be responsible for paying the shipping to get it to the next person, so if you can’t do that, then don’t participate, please.

  29. Scott says:

    I have a signed copy i could sell. Please contact me at scott.driftboardsports@gmail.com if you are interested.

    • Scott Barrett says:

      hey you guys… wow, Kenyn, you’ve been busy! lol! so, for those who want one, I’d love to give all of you a copy, but I have limited copies and I really can’t afford to ship. I can however send to the first 10 people (and I will reply to the ones who already emailed me from this blog) for $20.00 each, which includes shipping. to the relatives of B. Sparks: I respect your opinion, and know exactly where you are coming from. Last time I talked to her she thought I was trying to extort her for money, and refused to name her source. I just wanted the TRUTH, not any money from her. If she could tell me who her one source is, so that I may confirm just how deeply she claimed he was involved in witchcraft, demon worship, and cattle mutilation, this may have been very different. until she does, I have the complete, unedited, handwritten Journal in my possession. nothing in there even hints at the fact that he was ever involved in the above mentioned strangeness. Once more, of the occult activities mentioned in the JJ book, each seems out of context with actual Wiccan Ceremonies. (I have done my research, folks, and your Great Grandmother made ALOT of that book up.) Have her give me the name of her one source, let me interview him, and we’ll see what happens. believe me I am NOT scared of the truth, whatever it is. and until I see for myself by interviewing this source, I will stay with the FACTS of this story: Alden Was on house arrest during the time he was writing his journal, approx. 6 months. he never had a VW named toad, he never had his driver’s license. no mention of cattle mutilation, cat murder, bathing in blood, demon possession, or satanic marriage were found in the original journal. to John Lundgrens son: I’d love to talk to you. email me and I will respond.

      • Chelsey says:

        Scott Barrett, I e-mailed you at apits_71@hotmail.com to request a copy but I have not seen a reply. Please contact me if you still have copies available! chelsluvzu@yahoo.com.


      • Jennifer Burch says:

        Scott…..I emailed you as well about purchasing a book. In fact, I emailed you back in December too. I’m really hoping to hear back from you soon!

      • Stephanie says:

        Hi Scott, I have already said this but I wanted to reply directly to you. I’m sure you get a lot of this but I once again want to say that I am truly sorry for what your family has been through, it’s tough enough losing someone close to you let alone having the burden of dealing with falsehoods around his life. I wish your family all the best.

      • Kevin says:

        Scott, I have tried to e-mail you a couple of times. Would you entertain selling Alden’s original journal? I would make it worth your while financially, but it has to be the original. If not no worries. I would love to have a copy of your book and will pay you more than anyone else for it. Name your price. Please contact me. kevlundq@hotmail.com

      • Allie says:

        hey scott. still have any copies? i dont mean to re-open any old wounds, i just want to know the truth and share it with others. -Allie

      • Laura Young says:

        Scott, please contact me. I was with your brother not long before he died. We talked and he told me what he was planning to do. I did everything in my power to try and stop him. I wasn’t successful. I still grieve that. I just heard about this crap three weeks ago on an Orem High School facebook page and I lost it. totally lost my temper. At 59 those narrow minded jerks can still get to me. Laura D. Young

      • marina says:

        Hello, my name is Marina, I am a high school student living in Illinois. I have a book report
        due and and have many books by Beatrice Sparks. I would love to do it on
        Jays Journal. I live with bi-polar depression and have contemplated suicide
        in the past. I feel like I can connect with this story, but I have read it
        isn’t truthful in its display of Alden. I would appreciate if you could
        email me back on the truth of the events. Thank you -Marina ( marinaavila@belviderestar.org )

  30. Jeff says:

    I am the person that edited and published this book. I have ONE copy left still. I had three to begin with as Scott took the 1 thousand we had printed and hit the trail, leaving me with the bill.

    I have been thinking of doing a reprint on this as I am the true holder of the edited intellectual property here.

    if i find enough interest I may just do so.

  31. PT says:

    I wonder if it would be feasible to publish “A Place in the Sun” under a digital Print-On-Demand label? Amazon.com has one called “CreateSpace”.

    Without a reprint it seems that the chances of ever getting a copy are nil. So, if you reprint or self-publish, I’ll buy one.

  32. Katie84 says:

    hey.. wow!! I read Jays Journal years ago, and I too like everyone else has been searching high and low fora copy of A Place in the Sun… Jeff, I would be very interested in a copy if you o go ahead and reprint!!

  33. Kaleo says:

    As do I wish for a copy

  34. JoJo says:

    I REALLY want to read A Place in the Sun: The Truth Behind Jay’s Journal. Does anybody know if they started the book chain or if they are going to do a reprint?

  35. kevin says:

    Does anyone know how to get a copy. I will pay $100 for it. kevlundq@hotmail.com

  36. Lysa says:

    Today while traveling through the area I stopped by Alden’s grave because I too am horrified at the thought of what happened to the Barrett family. I’m sure that Mrs. Sparks was trying to stop kids from getting involved in activities that she felt were prevalent and dangerous, but to do so at the expense of a family is reprehencible. 

    I am interested in reading the true story and would be interested in buying a copy of “A Place in the Sun”, be it in book  or in digital reprint form.

      If there is a book chain, I’d be interested in joining it.


  37. Jenny says:

    I too have been seaching high and low for this book. It’s actually relieving to know I am not the only one who can’t find it for sale. Thank you Kenyn for this thread! I am grateful to be a part of it.

  38. Lisa Blanke says:

    I also would love to read A place in the sun. I was deeply distrubed by Jay’s Journal and it is haunting me. I want to read the truth. I emailed Scott but haven’t heard back yet. My Mom told me when I was little never to leave my body, I think she was talking about astro-projection.
    I am so afraid of what happened to Alden will happen to others. I pay to God that the journal I read was not the truth. My thoughts and prayers to Alden’s Family

  39. Stina says:

    I just finished reading Jay’s Journal. I went online to find out more information about, “Jay” and was deeply distraught when I found out it was mainly exaggerated facts. Any one have any luck finding A Place in the Sun: The Truth Behind Jay’s Journal?

  40. I read Jay’s Journal a couple months back after being intruiged by a previous book, Go Ask Alice. I found Jay’s Journal bizzare and gave false information. I’ve done my research of the Wiccan religion, and there is no details or information given of any form of brutality to animals and or humans.
    I soon did research on the actual story of of Alden Barrett and was not only disturbed by the fact that someone could fabricate, with such detail, a false story, blackening the name of a deceased teenage boy, along with bringing shame to an already distraught family. But also I was completely heartbroken to read that after the family had been forced to move, towns people had vandalized his gravesite. All due to book where most of the facts were exaggerated or completely false.

    I’ve been trying to find a copy of A Place in the Sun: The Truth Behind Jay’s Journal, so I can separate the actual facts from fiction.
    But after reading the comments, it seems that all copies are probably gone, so if anyone with any ideas can help me out, I’d be most appreciative. (:

  41. I would love to buy a copy of “A Place in the Sun” I would love to read the real journal if it is possible let me know where I could get a copy. Thanks

  42. arblanke@att.net says:

    I think this whole thing is bs. I tried to e-mail Alden’s “brother” and of course no answer. You people are wasting your time

    • Wowballz says:

      Ah, dag-nabbit. I just sent an e-mail as well. :\ If this is a trick, than that person is no better than Beatrice Sparks- who completely ruins people’s names and families.

    • Kenyn says:

      No, considering that I have a copy in the mail right now and after I’ve read it I’ve got the book chain of people who stayed interested all set up, I’d say it’s not a waste of time. Emailing him, maybe. He doesn’t always check his stuff, and I suspect that when he does he doesn’t always respond. But I know that he’s Alden’s brother. And I know that he’s a good guy. And I know that it’s not some kind of scam. I’m also in contact with the guy who helped him publish the book. Scott is roughly 52 years old dude, and he’s been through a lot. Give him a break. Every think about the fact that by tracking him down and asking him to sell us a copy of the book we’re probably also trudging up old painful memories? Would you always be “johnny on the spot” to respond to that?

  43. arblanke@att.net says:

    You seem to know an awful lot Kenyn

    • Kenyn says:

      About this, yes. Scott is my friend, and I don’t really respond well when someone questions his validity. If I seemed harsh, I’m sorry, but I’ve worked on this, and with him for a while now. He’s not trying to scam us, he just wants people to know the truth. 🙂

      • marina says:

        please help me get in contact with him! i need the truth for my report. i can very much relate to depression

  44. Gevena Washington says:

    I haven’t read Jay’s Journal but I have read one of Beatrice Sparks other books, Go Ask Alice. And I was researching all of her previous, “diaries” and came across this. I just wanted to know… Did you read the book ?

  45. Pam says:

    Looking to Buy a Copy of “A Place In the Sun”. I am in need of it for a student (12th grade English) that is doing a book set presenation based on “Go Ask Alice”, “Jay Journal” and then all fingers crossed “A Place In The Sun”. If anyone has a copy that they could loan me I would appreciate it. I would be more than glad to pay shipping costs and then ship it back to you.

  46. Jesikah says:

    So did anyone end up with a copy? I’m from Australia and am very keen to read Scott’s book

    • Alisa says:

      I just read J.J. I cannot believe I never knew about this! This book actually made me cry. Depression is such a huge factor with teens today, its not a stranger to me, I’ve dealt with it, have friends that have dealt with it. I’m fascinated with psychology so of course it sparked my interest. Plus my mom was born in 1964 and I never could imagine my life without her, can’t believe that things like this happened in the 60s and 70s. Then I found out the book is a piece of bullshit. It makes me angry because this is a person’s life. You can’t go around changing it to fit your story line. It makes me sad because Alden and his family have been through enough. After everything, shouldn’t the author feel right to tell the audience the truth? If it was honest, it would educate teens about depression and give them something to relate to. I mean, I remember being 16 (24 now) and if someone took my diary and spread lies about it, I’d be pissed.

  47. Jody Johnson says:

    Does anyone know what happened to “Tina” from the book?

  48. debbie says:

    I also would like to be able to read a copy of this book by altons brother Scott..I’m sure he must have been a very depressed child, terribly hooked on drugs or sciszophrenic…..I would love to hear the truth so Beatrice could herself differentiate real fact from fiction ..So sorry for his family if all of this is truly a true account

  49. aaron luth says:

    I would also buy it if it were reprinted

  50. jacey says:

    wow here i am totally blindly and ignorantly beleiving everything that phony sparks person wrote and now come to find out most of it is a lie that ruined the life of aldens family.what she did was a digusting act and i pray for aldens peace.
    i had a friend who was all of a sudden very interested into “Magick” and other dark things. she was the one who recommended reading “jays journal” and that i would beleive what she started doing was the real thing. she is a very deppressed girl and the lies in that book was feeding into her need to feel that she was something else, well i should say was because she began using drugs heavey drugs and ended commiting suicide.

  51. Taro says:

    Sorry for drudging up such an old post… Is it still possible to locate a copy of Scott’s book, A Place in the Sun: The Truth Behind Jay’s Journal?

  52. Judy Smith says:

    Beatrice Sparks passed away just a few days ago. They mentioned the books she wrote in her obit. I really don’t think she wrote those things to hurt anyone althought it did hurt the Barrett family to have people think that Alden would have been into some of the things she wrote in the book thinking it was the truth about their son. I was married to Alden’s older brother. I was one of the ones who found him. I knew Alden from the time he was a little boy up until the time of his death. He was a deep thinker, a very intelligent, sensitive individual. I felt very close to Alden and felt he could talk to me about a lot of things. He messed up his life so much with drugs, he was having flash backs which his dad told him he could help him by giving him a medication that would take care of them but he said, “No.” He had messed his life up to much already with drugs. He would have really been something if he had lived, I just feel it. A doctor or a scientist, something in the medical field or mental health field. His life was a results of a lot of bad decisions. I can’t blame Beatrice Sparks. I know Marcella and Doyle would not have held a grudge. It was so sad to see what it did to the youth of Pleasant Grove who were struggling to try to find out who they were and to be different then the “Norm”. If only our youth today could see that the drugs, and all the things they latch onto to be different are not the answer. Alden’s death effected every member of his family, his parents and all his siblings have been divorced. Suicide is an evil thing…it is never the answer…

    • Malauna says:

      Cannot change anything anyone has said or done in the past. You can release others to their highest good and trust a higher being to work these things out. My uncle was a teacher who regrets that he did not see any problem or take time to know Alden. Without his letter and information, I would have never known about Alden. My nephew shot and killed himself, too, but he was not using drugs and was a wonderful, upright man. I would love to visit with Judy Smith.

  53. Miriam B Sayer says:

    I would be interested in a copy of A Place in The Sun.
    Please consider reprinting this.

  54. click here says:

    Please message me with some pointers about how you made your blog look this awesome , I would appreciate it!

  55. Heather says:

    Is there still a chance of getting a book? I tried emailing both the email addresses and got failure notifications back. I’m very very interested in reading this book.

  56. Allie says:

    i’m very interested in reading this book as well, could we start that book chain everyone was talking about? i’ll give you a book for trade to make sure that you get it back! i just want to read it.

  57. Try Here says:

    After research a few of the blog posts in your website now, and I truly like your means of blogging. I bookmarked it to my bookmark website record and will be checking back soon. Pls check out my web page as well and let me know what you think.

  58. HulkSmash says:

    I have been searching for a copy of A Place in the Sun, I think that there would be sufficient interest to justify a print-on-demand publication or a digital release of some kind. I can’t imagine what the family went through. I was touched by Judy Smith’s compassion and forgiveness for B. Sparks in her comment. But I hate the idea that these lies were spread, and that a young man was posthumously defamed and the harm that it did to a grieving family. Why did she have to use Alden’s memory that way? If she wanted to write a cautionary tale and attribute it to a completely fictional teenager, that’s one thing…she did that with many subsequent books. But to use a real person’s story as a template, and then overlay it with destructive fictions? It saddens me that it’s so easy to find a copy of Jay’s Journal (the B. Sparks version) but it’s extremely difficult to find a copy of A Place in the Sun (Scott Barrett’s book). As of now, the lie is more accessible, more widely distributed, than the truth. I want to find some way to help, to spread the truth about Barrett and dispel the myths. And I don’t want to open old wounds or do any harm, but I wish I could help the family in some way.

  59. inoculum says:

    Much agreed. Anytime I go on %source_url&%, I
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  60. Jodie says:

    I am wondering if anyone knows how to get a copy of a place in the sun I tried to read the whole thread but wow it’s long lol so anyone help?!?

  61. allie says:

    For everyone’s information, this book does not exist. I contacted a national library looking for it and they told me there is no such book. You can all stop looking now. You’re welcome.

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  64. Julie says:

    Kenyn,so did you ever read the book or not?? Why is there no follow up on this?

  65. Heather says:

    I’d like to know if the book got read and where to find it. My email is village8@nmsu.edu. I tried emailing Scott from the comments but it didn’t work. Thank you.

  66. Becca says:

    Hey, if anyone has a copy their willing to sell, I’m willing to purchase. I just finished Jay’s Journal the other day, and was disgusted by how fabricated the whole journal sounded, and how slanderous the effects. I would like to know the true story. My email is theblondechihuahua@yahoo.com

  67. Rob says:

    I just finished reading Jay’s Journal, just like the majority of the people who have posted on here. Not only has this book opened a door to a completely new and unreal subject, it has changed how I see things. The book deeply saddened me, and even though it was in no way real, for Alden’s life was not represented accurately in this work, it hit me hard. I’m sixteen, and reading about such horrible things has made me sad beyond compare. Not only have I looked into satanic rituals and cults, I’ve been very paranoid and it all seems very silly, but a work of fiction can do such a thing. I found this site looking for Scott’s book, only to find the same thing that most of y’all have found. I just wanted to post this little snip-it of my mind because there is no one around me right now who would understand. I think it’s unfair what Sparks did to this poor boys life, but not everything in this world is fair.

  68. Cynthia says:

    I’ve been following this for a very long time. And all I’ve come to are a series of dead ends. My curiosity craves the truth of this situation. If this Kenyn person has read the book, has proof of the book, I would love to see it. I believe this book exists. Maybe it’s hidden in that town or within Alden’s family. But I don’t doubt the book.
    It’s frustrating to not have answers, this is how Scott must have felt. Wanting people to know the truth about his brother.

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  70. Ivis says:

    Man, whatever happened? You went ghost on us all and Lord knows if it takes you 4 years to read a god damn book. Is it even real. Is it even accessible? What happened to helping us out? You mentioned nothing else and leave us all wondering whether your reading ability and pace are stuck at pre school level. Not to be a total B, but I am legit dying to know what the whole truth to Alden was. Get back to us or something. Dont be an utter disappointment. email me or something. ivisivis16@aol.com or get up to date and text me 857-258-2445 or man, even add me on kik or something —> yo.ivis (if you even know what that is….) or add me on fb —> Ivita Chinchilla. do you get the point?

  71. Madison says:

    i dont understand, im reading jays journal now and i was in love with it. now that i know that its fake makes me so disappointed. i need a copy of A Place in the Sun:The truth behind Jays Journal as long as its completely honest.

  72. Madison says:

    and who is Alden?

  73. Madison says:

    who is scott barrett? is it jay or jays brother, is jays real name scott or alden?

  74. Scott Barrett says:

    Hi, go to Facebook and type in “A Place In the Sun: The Truth Behind Jay’s Journal This is the official place for info on not only the book, but the rock opera and documentary project I am involved in. You’ll find info there. Thank you. Sorry this is taking so long. At this time the book is out of print, but I am doing a re-edit with new interviews, along with the complete, unedited, photocopied original journal Alden wrote. I have been posting there for 2 years now on this. Believe me when I say it will be worth the wait. This is more than me just writing a book.

    • Shelby says:

      Thanks Scott, Look forward to doing this as soon as I get off of work! I am very grateful to come across this blog! Has answered many questions wondering about Alden. I just read the book again, and honestly I thought maybe this was a dairy of someone based off The Columbine Massacre, until I realized the age and years didn’t add up. The book seemed to have some fake intent parts, were as “Jay talking to raul” and killing the cow and kitten. But I look forward to looking into this. It very sad to hear that a author would do this, but its no surprised, she wanted the book to sell, so of course she would add lies to feed the media. Even after 40 years Alden name is still alive and getting the truth out must put him at peace.. Peace and love from the gods above and as below. – shelbs

    • Hello Scott.
      I work with a woman named Cheryl who knows your family. She told me about Jays journal and I refuse to read now that I have found it to be fabricated. I would love to read the real account of what happened. This may be a long shot but I would so appreciate it.
      Struggling with depression myself, I’d love to spread awareness and also tell the truth about Alden when possible.

  75. taylor says:

    how can I read this book?? please help.

  76. Sam says:

    Why are there no copies out there????

    • Layne T says:

      I’ve been doing a deep dive on the truth of Jay’s Journal all day and this was a wild ride. I don’t know if I’ll ever get my hands on A Place in the Sun, but I hope Alden gets his peace. Sending positivety to his loved ones.

  77. Colby Cook says:

    I’m a nephew who helped type up the book “A place in the sun” unfortunately the author and brother of Alden in serving in Utah County Jail and so the book has been put on hold. I have a copy of the book and will be posting it soon for people to read. Stay tune good things are about to rise on this story…

    • B says:

      Hi Colby, is there any way I can contact you? I’ve been following this all for a very long time, and was wondering why Scott had stopped posting on his Facebook page for a few years.

      • LAURA Dianne YOUNG says:

        my name is Laura D Young and I was with Alden two days before he killed himself. I have reached out to Scott but wondered why he was so silent. I was the one who told my date that Alden had told me he was going to kill himself. Alden and I had a conversation about it and I begged my date to tell Alden’s parents or the authorities…He said not to worry about it. That was Friday night I got the call from him Sunday morning telling me what had happened. This haunts me still today and I’m 67 years old. I spent a day with Alden’s Mom afterwards and it was gut wrenching. What that councilor woman wrote about Alden was completely wrong and untrue. I wanted to clear up the lies. I didn’t know about it until years later. Alden told me exactly why he did what he did and it had nothing to do with devil worship. I have a great deal of experience working with folks that at risk since that time.
        I did contact the LDS Church and asked them to quit selling the book of lies but they refused. It shows so many issues The Church has. you are welcome to contact me at anytime. Email rhyshruns@frontier.com

    • Hello Colby, would it be possible to get a copy of this book? I live in Utah county and would genuinely love to know the truth about what happened.

    • Loseristics says:

      Wow, please let me know if you do end up posting it, I would really like to know what happened, I’ve been searching for a while after I finished Jay’s Journal. If you have an email you would be willing to give out I would love to get in contact.

    • grandscoobah says:

      Colby, I am sorry to hear about your uncle.
      I am also interested in a copy if one can be made available.

  78. Caroline Gilmore says:

    I am also looking for a copy of A Place in the Sun. Please let me know how I can get my hands on a copy!

    I grew up near P.G. and have read this book several times. I am just curious about what is fact vs. fiction.

  79. Hello! Is there any way someone could help me find a copy of Scott’s book?
    I tried emailing the email listed but it is not valid. I genuinely would love to read the real story and even spread the truth if possible. I live in Utah county and people still talk about Jays journal.

  80. Kim says:

    I Sevived Jay’s journal. I know the truth. I was there. There were 5 of us plus Alden. Everyone is dead and I came as close to death as you can come and live. I’m 69 years old. I grew up across the street from Alden. I saw him the day he died. I had no idea after we spoke he would go to his room and shoot himself in the head. My little sister found him. I know Scott. His little brother. The truth is out there and I know what it is.

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