The pathetic creativity sparked by hurtful words.

Posted: December 20, 2010 in Uncategorized

If you talk behind my back,
Don’t smile to my face.
Tell me what you think and tell the truth.
I don’t want to be your enemy,
But right now I’m not your friend.
Stop pretending, pick a face, and see it through.
You like me while in ear shot,
Then detest me when I’m gone,
You masquerade behind a two-faced grin.
But I’m tired of your games,
And I’m done with your BS
I had a friend I used to love, but you’re not him.

  1. sad says:

    I guess in some ways I do talk behind your back because you will not talk to me, but nothing bad. I just want to know how things are going.

  2. Kenyn says:

    Wow, way to comment on something we’ve already talked about! haha
    Things are pretty good, I’m really tired though cause I started my job at Sonic yesterday (Monday) and today was like all hell broke loose. I’m about to go to bed. šŸ˜› So that’s good (that I have a job now), and as far as other stuff, everything’s pretty much falling into place for the wedding and our life after, so I’m excited.
    How are things with you? I heard you moved back home but I haven’t seen you at church yet. I would have come to Bible Study but I was so freaking exhausted, I was snapping at Matt all over the place, and fell asleep several times.. I just didn’t feel up to it. šŸ˜› Haha, wow, what a pity party. xD
    Anywho, I really am exhausted, so I’m goin to bed. šŸ˜›

  3. Kim says:

    Hi Kenyn, I was wondering if I could quote you on my own blog, etc. I love this post and can totally relate to it :]

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