Meet the Human Waste

“I am a nobody, trying to tell everybody, about Somebody Who can save anybody.”

That’s my life story. God is my passion, and the reason I am still alive. I have a godless past very few people know about, but it’s gone now because Jesus saved me from it. I’m not proud of the things I’ve done and gone through, but there is always a purpose for the pain and so far, it seems as though my purpose is to council friends who find themselves in similar situations. My God is a God of wonder and miracles who loves even the vilest of people. I know. He loves me.

Now that I have the most important part of my being out there, here are some small facts about me. I’m a minor, but I’m also a senior in highschool and engaged to be married next May. ❤ Music is another passion of mine, and a strong one. I write poetry, and occasionally songs, I sing, dance, and have music playing at all times (currently: Cocaine – AKissForJersey), and am very emotionally and spiritually effected by it. I’m short, weird, and fairly easy to get along with because to love as God loves is my goal in life. Without that, I might be some mean, intolerable bitch. As long as I’ve just said “bitch” I’ll say that my views and beliefs on “cursing” aren’t that of most Christians. Shoot me an email and we’ll have ourselves a nice debate. ( :D)

Random things that are irrelevant include blue eyes, naturally dark blonde hair (preferably dyed red however), a love for the color black, and the fact that cheap food (Ramen Noodles, Mac ‘N Cheese, !Hot Dogs!, sammiches, etc…) is the best food on the planet. Not because it’s cheap, but because it tastes amazing.

I would love to someday be involved in theater, because God has blessed me with a voice to sing, and a natural ability to dance, but if that never happens, it won’t bother me in the least. My other idea for a job is being a biology teacher, but as a Christian, I’m convicted that teaching lies isn’t what I should be doing, and in a public school, they don’t exactly teach Creation. Nursing sounds good to me as well, and with God’s help, maybe, but I have the attention span of an ADD chipmunk, so that might be an issue.. whatever I do, I shall do it all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

  1. ann c. says:

    Nice to get to know you a little better, Kenyn!

  2. scarlet says:

    ummm…i hav also read jay’s journal and got quite courious about how much was true and hoped i could find a way to contact the family for help but as i did research i found the truth and is now looking for help once again but dont want proffecinal help because of the things im into for example witchcratf and other things like that if u could plz help i would really appreseate it (sorry for spelling errors)

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