Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Drinking Our Savings

Posted: August 16, 2011 in Uncategorized

My husband and I do pretty well for a newly wed couple. We don’t ever have to wonder if we’ll make this month’s rent, or have money for gas, or anything concerning money really. But I did sit down to re-do our budget (I got a new job) and found something that I find to be disturbing. I’m a waitress, and he works for a cellophane packaging company, yet between us, we make roughly twenty dollars an hour. I’d say that’s pretty awesome for two newly wed youngsters, neither of whom have gone to college yet. And with our bills as low as they are, rent is only $455 (O.O I know, right?!?!), the only utility we pay for is electric, which is fairly low, we don’t have to drive too far to get to work, and we only have one car which is totally payed off and pretty gas efficient. We ought to be banking!!!

But we’re not… that’s the disturbing thing.

Now, don’t think I’m complaining, we’re blessed to both have good jobs, getting along as well as we do in this economy, and I thank God for everything He’s done for us. I just want to know where our money is going every month. So I started thinking about little purchases we make everyday.

The restaurant I work at is privately owned, so my boss lets me eat and get sodas for free. I don’t buy soda unless I get a Caddy Shack Peace Tea at the gas station for a dollar. Which I do only a couple times a week. Maybe less. I don’t buy snacks throughout the week, we don’t go to movies much, we only go out to eat every so often and it’s always somewhere cheap.
So then I looked at my husband’s spending routine. He doesn’t buy snacks either, but he does eat lunch. Which is understandable. He works twelve hour shifts some days, starting at five a.m. He eats at the restaurant I work at and spends about $7.25. … wait a minute… seven times five… *calculating* that’s $36.25 a week. Wait, but then he gets a coke, so that’s another $1.55 a day… add those.. that’s $44. But then, he also gets a Monster Rehab every morning, and those suckers are at least $2 a pop. So that’s another $10 a week. That’s putting us at $54 a week just for his lunch and a Monster. What does that come to at a monthly rate? Oh, somewhere in the vicinity of $216. Wow. That’s almost half of our rent. But he’s gotta eat lunch, and there’s NO way I’ll ever get him to give up his Monsters, so what to do?
Now, I asked him, and they have both a refrigerator, and a microwave in his break room, that means I could send him with a sandwich, or macaroni and cheese, or hamburger helper, and he could have that for lunch. Macaroni and cheese (which he LOVES, by the way) is less than a dollar a box if you get Walmart brand. So let’s say he eats a box a day for lunch. That means we’re now spending $20 a month on his lunch. At most. So then let’s say we buy a case of coke so he can take one for lunch, that’s about $4 for twelve cokes, so that’s about $8 a month. So we’re sitting comfortably at $28. But now, we get to his energy drinks. I can get them in a 4-pack at our local general store for $6.50, So that makes them roughly $1.63 each. So that’s an improvement. But still, one a day, five days a week, four weeks a month, that’s still $32.60. That’s more than his entire lunch lunch costs. That’s my main point actually. The energy drinks.

Did you know that if you buy an energy drink at a gas station every day for a month, you’ll spend $70 before you can say “caffeine addiction?” Keep that up for a year and that’s $912.50. Without tax. So you’re spending nearly a thousand dollars a year on a little 15.5 oz can, the contents of which attack your teeth the exact same way as METH. Oh yeah, it’s true. I’ve done my research. It’s slower, but it happens. Believe me. I hope you brush your teeth after every can, cause if not, you’re either going to owe bu-kus of money to a dentist or… nope, that’s your only option unless you want cavity, infection, abscess, ridden teeth with no enamel. Good luck getting a date with that smile! *wink wink*
(By the way, I won’t even go into what it does to your liver. Kidneys. Stomach lining. Suffice to say, it’s bad.)
So that’s drinking one a day. I can list, by name, at least four people who drink two or more a day. Let’s do that math! For two cans a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year, that’s a whopping $1825. (Did I mention that the $1 can of Peace Tea I drink is also a 23 oz can, nothing artificial, no preservatives, comes in a variety of flavors, and being tea, has natural caffeine? Jussayin.) That’s $1825 you could save instead and use to buy a perfectly good used car in two years. And if you’re a teenager, which most of the people drinking energy drinks are, that’s a pretty big thing.

At any rate, my budget is done, I got that rant out of my system, and I think I’ve made the point I was getting at. So seeing as this is a lot longer than it was supposed to be, I’ll end it here. Cease and desist with the energy drinks and it’ll be easier on your wallet, your teeth, and your kidneys/liver.

I put in an application at Sonic last Saturday and spoke with the manager. He was very nice and phrased things as if he’d already decided to give me the job. He told me he’d look over my application and call me Monday or Tuesday. Well, needless to say, I was ecstatic! Things had gone well and it looked as though I’d have a job by the end of the week! But today is Tuesday and it’s a little past 6 and I’m feeling very discouraged now. It shouldn’t bother me. This is only my second application in my life. I shouldn’t expect to get a job right off. But I guess I just let my hopes get too high and now I’m feeling extremely low. I’m trying to keep hope, but today everything was iced over here which means they can’t possibly have had a very busy day, so he’s had plenty of time to call me if he’s going to. Even if it’s a “no” I just want to know already. Do I get the job or not? You know? DO I dust off my roller blades or get an application for Tony’s down the street? *sigh* Waiting sucks.

If you talk behind my back,
Don’t smile to my face.
Tell me what you think and tell the truth.
I don’t want to be your enemy,
But right now I’m not your friend.
Stop pretending, pick a face, and see it through.
You like me while in ear shot,
Then detest me when I’m gone,
You masquerade behind a two-faced grin.
But I’m tired of your games,
And I’m done with your BS
I had a friend I used to love, but you’re not him.

It is my expert opinion that hot tea is fabulous with a pinch of sugar and a splash of cream, but if said tea happens to be Raspberry Leaf tea, then it doesn’t need the cream and is quite lovely with nothing more than the sugar. Thank you. That is all.

At last. The book A Place in the Sun: The Truth Behind Jay’s Journal written by Scott Barrett, the brother of Alden Barret, whom the book was (loosely) based off of, has been located. After searching website after website, store after store, I had the brilliant (extremely late coming and fairly obvious) idea to go straight to the source. And thanks to facebook (overused, but highly useful), I found him. We’ve begun talking about an arrangement, and I ought to have my own copy of Alden’s true story by Christmas. Needless to say, I’m extremely excited and feel a little bit accomplished. Yay for feeling accomplished!

Thanks “Dr.” Beatrice Sparks, I’ll leave the storytelling to Alden now. I’m not interested in your “true” fiction.

I feel plenty, but avoiding thought,
For to feel is painful, true,
But to acknowledge why,
And know the answer is I,
I’d rather hurt than know I hurt you.
If my pain could subside yours,
For a moment, even less,
If your hurt could be replaced,
Forgotten, or erased,
If it means death for me, perhaps that is best.
Your kiss lingers on my forehead,
A memento of love lost.
Staring bluntly through my mask,
You find regret, and I’m abashed,
For I threw you to the wind then mourned your loss.
Now as I try to let you leave,
Bidding go, let me alone,
It seems futile all the same,
For I’m bound to you with chain,
And my efforts for “your” freedom are for my own.


Posted: September 16, 2010 in Uncategorized

Just in case I never see you again,
Just in case you lose me, or I, you,
Just in case my world shatters in an instant,
Or should forever find it’s end too soon,
I want you to know that I love you.
You’re the best thing that’s entered my life.
And tomorrow, should I wake up without you,
I’ll be glad that I told you tonight.

Really? I mean REALLY?

Posted: September 16, 2010 in Uncategorized

I get 15 views today and not a single comment? Even on the post that specifically requests comments?? Geez people. Lazy!!!!

Price Check Isle HELP!!

Posted: September 4, 2010 in Uncategorized

So, I’m starting to sell jewelry locally, and it’s made out of soda tabs, so I’m pretty excited about it. But I need some help pricing it. I’ll tell you, seeing as anything other than a silver tab is going to be expensive to make (energy drinks with colored tabs run about $2.17 a piece), they can’t be all that cheap… which is making it hard to price them. So I’m going to put up some pictures, and I would like you to tell me how much you would expect to pay for an item of jewelry like this. Bare in mind, you can have any color that you can find a tab in, so if you don’t like orange, pretend they’re something else. 🙂

The Hypocrite’s Prayer

Posted: September 3, 2010 in Uncategorized
I pledge allegiance to myself,
Hallowed be my name.
Far all I am, for all I’ve done,
For mine is the kingdom of Heaven.
Give me this day what is rightfully mine,
And forgive me for the things
I know I’m going to do later.
Lead me not into temptation,
I can find my own way, thank you.

Hypocrite 6:10-14